December 11, 2013

Brave 10

A ninja named Saizo runs into Isanami when she is attacked by assassins. He saves her becoming her reluctant bodyguard while she makes her way to meet Sanada; the man she was told to find when her shrine came under attack. Sanada is gathering ten warriors together and wishes for Saizo and Isanami to join them. Soon after Isanami's strange power comes to light and a prophecy is revealed.

Average is the word that comes to mind with this anime series. The animation is average nothing grand, the character designs are standard. The story is average as well; Saizou the main warrior is at first badass yet as the series progresses he becomes useless and needs help in battles.  The young woman Isanami, is a priestess whose shrine is destroyed and is the lone survivor. During the whole series she clings to Saizou and is very childish. She has a great power and yet always needs rescued. There was nothing new or out of the ordinary with the series, it was all very typical and conventional. Though that's not to say I didn't enjoy the show. I did have fun watching a new anime, the first one I've seen in awhile. So while its average its not a bad series.
I also found the series had some decent comic relief; I would laugh out loud at some points. The relationships between the ten warriors are not well constructed but they are funny. The fights are fun to watch as well, though nothing new. The series doesn’t lack for action with a fight happening on a regular basis, so you won’t find any filler. Overall I wouldn't call this a must watch series but if you have some free time and want to watch an anime without much of a commitment then this would be a good pick. It’s only 12 episodes and an easy watch so enjoy the simple plot and have a few laughs.

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