August 29, 2011

Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki

Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki (Path of Light) is a short two episode OVA that follows Natsuya, a Pokemon Ranger, as he tries to disband the Pokemon Nappers and protect a very special Pichu. Rather than catching and battling Pokemon, Pokemon Rangers use a special capture method that allows them to connect their thought and feelings with their Pokemon. The Pokemon Nappers are looking to exploit Pokemon for their own use, while Pokemon Rangers are out to protect Pokemon from being taken advantage of.

Since the combined length of both OVAs is about 10 minutes, there is really little that gets resolved in the story. It acts as a great preamble to the new game on Nintendo DS and is an excellent marketing gimmick on Ninendo and The Pokemon Company's part to get kids more involved in the game.

Even though this is geared at younger kids, it is still an entertaining OVA to watch for fans of the series. Given that it is only 10 mins, it can't be any worse that watching commercials on an hour long TV program, so it's worth giving this one a chance.

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