January 05, 2011

Genghis Khan: To The Ends of Earth and Sea

To start, this movie made it into our live action section because it has been released in North America by Funimation. I had been back and forth for about a month when I decided get this movie last winter. I finally caved one weekend and splurged for the BluRay special edition. It was expensive ($35 for any movie is a lot IMO), but well worth the money. This film was amazing to say the least. It was one of the few movies that I wished wouldn't end.

I have always been drawn to Asian films about feudal times. The telling of the story left no holes for confusion. I won't go so far as to say that it was completely accurate historically (mostly because I have no clue if it is), but it was very entertaining. 

I have found it very difficult to find good films such as this being released on North America with English dubbing. If a film is good enough I will venture into subtitles (I'm sure that people are cursing me now that I am not a "True" anime fan for watching dubs); but lets be real, I'm Canadian, I speak English, so you can't blame me for being a little lazy and wanting to listen to my show and understand all of the words :P

Anyway, I would recommend taking a look at this movie to anyone who has enjoyed films such as Red Cliff or The Myth. I can promise that you won't be disappointed.

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