November 21, 2010

We're at 100!!!!!

So we finally did it. Silent Divergence has reached its 100th post. It has almost been a year since we created SD and there has been a lot of ups and downs. We would like to thank all of our readers for their support in helping us to keep pushing and providing a reason for us to continue writing.

There have been a lot of additions to Silent Divergence over the last 100 posts. We have added a number of new channels and writers to our group; most notably Super Ksian and Scallywag. You guys have been awesome contributors to SD!

I hate all this mushy stuff, so lets just leave it at Thank You to everyone who has contributed to SD, either writers or readers, and stay tuned for the new improvements to the site and added services that we will be offering in the future.

And with that I leave you with an awesome Naruto AMV. Strong and Strike, which says a lot about us at Silent Divergene. ENJOY!!!


  1. Congratulations on the century. Good work all round.

  2. Thanks a lot. It is greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to where we are going with this project.
